For the love of a child……..

Morning. Jeez i fell upon this blog this morning. If you don’t want to ball your eyeballs out don’t go there. One thing I can tell you is it reminds us how precious our children are, and is a reminder that every day is a blessing. No matter how tough your day is. If you wake up to see another day with your children…your still winning.…

The Laundry Basket Mystery

Seriously this ecard is so true…I love my hubby more than he will ever know but darn he can irritate the freaking crap out of me in 2.2seconds flat when it comes to crap I believe should be a no brainer…well to me anyway, and you know what I bet this has happened to you all too and I CANNOT be the only Momma who freaking tells their husbands off violently in their heads for doing it…well sometimes not just in my head…here goes…why oh why does every person…

Fix-It Girl to the rescue……………..

Hmmmm……..went to Home Depot and now fixing the shelves!!!! Regular Honey To Do I Am…

Hillbilly or Not? Almost??? Well, I won’t be…..So, I will just do a man’s job and take care of business!!!!!!

So, my dear friend stops by and tells me to stop being a hillbilly.  She is probably wondering the same thing as me?  Why is it February 6th and my Christmas Tree is still laying out in the front yard????????  Ok when the man put the tree out over a month ago and noticed the first day when the trash people didn’t take it, maybe it was time to institute a new plan.  Nope, obviously someone thought it would miraculously disappear.  Me on the other hand knew it wouldn’t, but figured I would wait around and…