Be one with nature they say. Whoever said that never tried to enjoy the outdoors with two boys, one is a very active 7-year-old. Now, this hiking adventure was my idea. Which, in my own defense, most ideas that end up being the most exhausting are mine. I own up to that! But, I am trying here, trying to have a fun summer, enjoy the sun, be outdoors, and keep my boys off electronics.
Now, do not get me wrong, I enjoyed this hiking adventure. I love waterfalls, the way they look, the rocks, the sound of the water, that was the goal and anticipation for this trip. Get me to a beautiful waterfall.
So, we made our way up to Alapocas Run State Park in hopes to find this momma her waterfall. The one with a watering hole type area where my boys could jump in a few times. Where I would get those cool pictures of ourselves sitting on rocks with cascading waters tumbling down perfectly placed rocks…Yeah, needless to say, we never found that spot.
We did, however, hike over 4 miles through the woods and climb numerous rocky hills. We did spot a waterfall and got a picture of it. We were not in it though, boo, but I guess my whole goal for this trip had not entirely vanished, per say, haha! Even though this hike was not at all what I had envisioned our adventure would be, we all laughed, climbed, trudged through the woods, got wet jumping in puddles and occasionally ran from a few bugs, even a dreaded snake. It was exhaustingly fun, and I do realize now that I need to get myself in way better shape before attempting this type of hike again with my boys.
So, all in all, I did not find my inner peace and become one with nature on this trip, BUT I did marvel in not only the beauty of God’s creations but also the boundless energy of young boys. Nature is quite wonderful. Even if it made me a sweaty and exhausted mess, the natural backdrops of this world still amaze me. I saw a quote the other day that inspired this adventure, “There’s no time to be bored in a World as beautiful as this.” So, my advice to all of you: adventure outdoors, in life, in anything really, it may not always turn out how you anticipated but go out there and create memories. You will not regret it, I promise.😊
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